Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Bedugul is the name of both a small city and a mountain-lake resort area, which Balinese have long used for weekend retreats. Bedugul is located on the main north-south road between Denpasar and Singaraja in cool damp mountain country, an excellent base for walking trips around the lakes and surrounding hills. Bedugul is located in a high plateau at the center of the Island. Cool air and mists are natural for the place. Bedugul is a resort in Bratan Mountains, famous for its golf course; and also the Ulun Danu. Ulu Danu is an amazing temple, which seems to have risen out of Bratan Lake 1,200metres above sea level. There are many water sports available here are boating, water skiing, and parasailing. When the heat and humidity are get, why not escape to Bedugul. Bali's highland retreat has tucked into the crater of an extinct volcano 1400 meters above sea level. Here three lakes provide everything from recreation to the water for springs, rivers and rice fields below. Lush pine forests seem to create freshness in the air. Bedugul is known for the quality of its fruit, vegetables and flowers. There are several places to stay near the lake and there is also an interesting temple, botanical gardens, an excellent golf course and a variety of activities on Lake Bratan itself.
Bedugul is a favorite place for Balinese family for weekend picnic. Bedugul is also a center of horticulture. We'll find plenty of fruits and vegetables here. Here we find 3 of Bali 4 lakes, Bratan, Buyan, and Tamblingan. Bratan, the largest of the three is perfect place for water sports such as para sailing, motor boating, jet skiing, water skiing, canoeing, etc.
So..enjoy your holiday in bedugul, bali.
source : http://www.indonesia-tourism.com/bali/bedugul.html
Friday, October 10, 2008
Kumala Island

The island in the center of Mahakam river with many entertainment in it is Kumala Island. This is located on East Kalimantan . First destination which has to be passed is Balikpapan than go to Tenggarong by using Taxi. From Tenggarong we can reach Kumala Island by using boat.
It is tired enough to reach there, changing transportation from plan to ship. But when we reach this place you will forget that you has passed long distance. We can see many objects which will make you keep stay there for long time such sky tower where you can find the beauty of Tanggerong town from 75 meter in high. We also can go from Tanggerong to Kumala Islandby using cable car.
The other facilities that will make we want to visit this place again and again is restaurant, cottage, children park, Pesut Mahakam aquarium, Dyak traditional house which are still in building process.This place targeted to be the tourism object which can invite many tourist from other region or even from the other country.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Kali Waterfall

Saturday, October 4, 2008
Ijeh Crater (Kawah Ijen)

Kawah Ijen is the world's largest highly acidic lake and is the site of a labor-intensive sulfur mining operation in which sulfur-laden baskets are hand-carried from the crater floor.
Many other post-caldera cones and craters are located within the caldera or along its rim. The largest concentration of post-caldera cones forms an E-W-trending zone across the southern side of the caldera. Coffee plantations cover much of the Ijen caldera floor, and tourists are drawn to its waterfalls, hot springs, and dramatic volcanic scenery.
This is map of Ijen Crater from Surabaya :
Friday, September 26, 2008
Jawa Timur Park

Jawa Timur Park is located in Jl. Kartika 2 Batu offers recreation tourism of new entertainment amusement for all level. It begins from children, finite adolescent until grandmother and grandfather. Of course, this tourism object has drawn up as family tour area in East Java. To get to the location, is not too difficult, because, the object only 2, 5 kilos meters from Batu city. This tourism object is about 22 hectares width with 850 meters height to sea level, save the multifarious knowledge, and recreation area with various supporting facilities for having relax.
Jatim Park may have said as the different tourism object in East Java province, besides offering a recreation place and study center, we will get many kind new knowledge. Jatim Park has at least 36 kinds of facilities which able to be enjoyed visitor. Before enjoy all supporting facilities for recreation area, the visitors will find an interesting view of ‘Galeri Nusantara’. Then stepped into ‘Taman Sejarah’, which contained of miniature temple in East Java like Sumberawan temple (Singosari- Malang regency), customhouse of Kiai Hasan Besari Ponorogo and Sumberawan Statue.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Lamongan Marine Tourism

WBL is a balancing towards some tourism places that have exist before like Tanjung Kodok and Maharani cave. It is located in north coast of Java, in Paciran, Lamongan regency, East Java. It is on 17 hectares field and supported by some facilities, which are ready to please the guest with one stop service concept.
Besides readily means tourism greet your visit start at 09.00 AM up to beating 17.00 PM, frontage of main gate also has available souvenirs shop with its luxury design, presenting various first products, fish market, fruit and vegetable. This tourism object also present opened to dish market start to beat 09.00 AM up to beating 21.00 PM. Various facility which showed maritime tourism of Lamongan for example: Cat House, Video game, Hospital Of Ghost, Samba Jet Propulsion, Mini Of Train, Drive Arena, Go-kart, Motor Cross, Gallery Of Ship And Cockle, Tagada, Adolescent Playground, Space
Shuttle, Swimming Pool Of Brine, Swimming Pool Of Freshwater, Bumper Boat, Banana Boat, Ski Jet Propulsion, Long Boat, Texas City and Indiana Camp, Agility Arena, Cinema 3D, Palace of Under Sea, Samba Balloon, Mini Of Columbus, Shoot Water, Kiddy Ride, Insect Cave, Piratical Den, Glass Planet, Bumper Car, World Irrigate, Water Boom, Happy Podium, Remote Boat, Traditional Boat, Cano, Ski Boat, The miniature of Walisongo.There are also the others object in WBL Foreland of Cape Frog
Beach Resort covering Cottage and Hotel. Finally, this local object has international level build using modern management of PT Bumi Lamongan Sejati representing two company between governance of Lamongan Regency with PT Bunga Wangsa Sejati which have succeeded to build and develop Jatim Park in Batu. Nowadays, Tanjung Kodok has new trademark by the name of Maritime tourism of Lamongan "WBL of Tanjung Kodok Or Jatim Park II".
This tourism object has own background of coastal nature, keen stone like the frog which ever used as a place of astronomical symptom research sun eclipse totalize by NASA of Federal America. Nowadays, the location have been built on a large scale and professional using maritime concept tourism like in Ancol Jakarta, Singapura and Japan Coast.
This tourism area also close to gold diligence centre, painting on cloth and embroidery in glorious countryside, Sendang and Sendang Dhuwur and also the center of fish landing of East Java in Brondong port.

Tanjung Kodok is a beautiful beach with wonderful panorama, which has been known by the people for along time. When the solar eclipse happened on June 11, 1983 many astronomers from all over the word and NASA of USA had a research in this place. Every years many Moslem astronomers come here to see the first coming of the moon to determined the beginning of the fasting period and Idul Fitri day. Ketupat is held here every years. This beach is very easy to reach by private or public transport.
Ciputra Waterpark

Ciputra Waterpark is the biggest water attraction park in Indonesia, built upon a 5 hectare land area, inspired by the tale of Sinbad’s adventure, it invites you and your family to enter a world of adventure like 1001 nights using the most modern waterpark technology.
Thousands of cheers shall you find, explore the castle towers at the Sinbad Playground and feel the giant water drum prepared to drop 3000 liters of water, the splash of wave after wave at the 1800 square meter wide Syracuse Beach bringing you as though right at the edge of the sea,
and while relaxing with the family we can explore the 480 meter artificial river at Sirens River and don’t forget to test your courage and pump your adrenaline at the 15 meter high Roc Tower, at Chimera Pool and Marina Lagoon take your loved ones through laughter and cheers, with water fountain formations suddenly sprouting in succession.Come.. Experience and enjoy the exciting experiences and day long cheers at Dunia Sinbad !

more information visit:
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Green Canyon

Green Canyon is apart of Cijulang river that goes through a cave full of stalactite and stalagmite surrounded by two beautiful green hills.
At the entrance of the cave, lies the Palatar waterfall. The waterfall gives the area cool and fully adventurous atmosphere. Rock climbing, swimming, sailing and fishing are some pastime famous activities in this area.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Surabaya Zoo

KBS is part of education that is indirectly good for recognizing many kinds of animal so that planted early on feeling love to the nature and its contents. Besides, KBS (Shortly of Surabaya Zoo, commonly people called it as KBS) is animal garden with the meaning place with main function of conservation which is do some effort for treatment and breeding various animal types for the agenda of forming and develop new habitat as supporting facilities for protection and conservation of nature.
Visit time every day started at 07.00 Pm –- 17.00 Am.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Iga Penyet Leko

Bebek Item Darma husada

Friday, September 12, 2008
Wisata Makanan Khas Surabaya
Bebek Goreng
Bekgor. Inilah istilah populer bagi hidangan favorit arek Suroboyo. Bebek goreng dijadikan santap malam. Begitu petang menjelang, kedai Bekgor pun mulai bertebaran. Masing-masing menawarkan rasa dan variasi berbeda.
Bebek Papin
Jl. Kalianyar, Telp (031) 3714015
Papin sendiri rupanya merupakan singkatan dari Pasar Pecindilan. Di sanalah bebek ini dijual pertama kali sejak tahun 1990. Bebek Papin dimasak bumbu kuning dengan racikan ala Madura. Abdul menyebutnya bumbu jawara alias Jawa Madura. Dalam sehari, bisa 300 ekor bebek yang dimasak. Prosesnya pun berbeda-beda. Bebek muda cukup diungkep 2 jam. Sedangkan yang agak tua butuh 3 jam. Yang pasti, Bebek Papin super empuk. Daging bebek yang dikenal alot, tak terbukti di sini.

Harga setiap potong bebek bervariasi antara Rp 7 ribu-11 ribu tergantung ukurannya. Kedai tenda ini terletak di ujung Jl Kalianyar. Buka setiap hari sejak sore pukul 16.30-21.00.
Jl. Tanjung Torowitan, Perak, Telp. (031) 3529557
Bebek ini bergaya paling minimalis. Penyajiannya pun begitu cepat dan simpel. Begitu datang di kedai mungil ini, Anda langsung ditanyai mau porsi apa. Nasi Bebek Biasa, Bebek Jeroan, atau dobel. Nasi Bebek Biasa berisi 1 potong bebek. Yang dobel tentu saja isi 2 potong. Harganya berkisar antara Rp 8 ribu-Rp 15 ribu. Hatga ini sudah termasuk nasi plus sejumput sambal khas Kedai Yudi, Sambal Pencit. "Pencit itu mangga muda," jelas Roiz (24), pengelola kedai yang juga keponakan Bpk. Yudi, pemilik kedai ini.
Sambal inilah yang membuat Bebek Goreng makin sedap. Perpaduan cabai rawit merah yang super pedas dan mangga muda sungguh ciamik. Cocok disajikan bersama nasi hangat dan bebek yang empuk. Untuk membuatnya, bebek ini direbus hingga 3,5 jam lamanya. Tak heran penggemarnya begitu banyak. Jam bukanya pun tergolong singkat. Sejak pukul 15.00-18.00. Namun terkadang pukul 5 sore saja pengunjung bisa gigit jari karena bebek sudah ludes. "Kebanyakan karyawan membeli bungkusan. Jadi cepat habis," terang Roiz.
Padahal kedai ini sudah menghabiskan 120 ekor bebek per hari. Sementara cabangnya di Jl. Kepanjen membutuhkan 100 ekor bebek per hari. "Di Kepanjen kita buka dari pukul 11 siang sampai pukul 3 sore," imbuhnya.
Kedai Bebek Yudi terletak di Jl Tanjung Torowitan, Perak. Lokasinya tak begitu jauh dari POM bensin Perak. Ada 20 kursi yang bisa Anda tempati.
Bebek Tangan
Jl. Bratang Gede No.68, Telp (031) 5046161-70984104
Nasi Bebek ala Kayu Tangan punya gaya berbeda. Tidak hanya mengandalkan ungkepan dan daging empuk, tapi juga menambahkan adonan tepung untuk menggorengnya. Lapisan tepungnya bergaya kremesan dan membuat daging bebek yang gurih jadi makin gurih. Ada juga kepala dan hati ampela yang harganya Rp 2.500 per potong. Jika ingin puas, tersedia juga satu ekor utuh dengan harga Rp 45.000.
Bebek dicelup adonan tepung dan digoreng hingga matang. Disajikan dengan nasi hangat, sambal dan lalapan timun, kemangi, kol dan jeruk nipis. Daging bebeknya begitu empuk dan tebal. "Kami menggunakan bebek muda yang bulunya masih jarang-jarang itu, lo," jelas Bpk. Nanag (49) yang membantu mengelola usaha kerabatnya, Bpk. Ismu.
Selain Bebek Goreng, kedai ini juga menyediakan Bebek Bakar dengan bumbu pedas manis. Tersedia juga Ayam Kampung Goreng/bakar yang tak kalah lezat. Lokasinya terletak di Jl Braang Gede No. 68. Kedai berkapasitas 60 pengunjung ini buka Senin-Sabtu pukul 10 pagi hingga 9 malam. "Hari Minggu kami tutup untuk libur," tutur Nanang.
Hidangan bersaus kacang ini kerap jadi pilihan untuk sarapan atau makan siang. Selain menganut gaya klasik, ada juga yang berinovasi dengan jantung pisang, bahkan campuran rawon.
Pecel Bu Kus
Jl. Brata Jaya XX/110, Telp. (031) 5042357
Inilah salah satu pecel terkondang di Surabaya. Tempatnya terhitung mewah untuk bersantap menu pecel dengan hembusan AC yang cukup sejuk. Pelanggannya pun middle up. Harganya juga tak terlalu mahal. Cukup Rp 7 ribu, seporsi pecel sudah bisa dinikmati. Komposisinya pun lengkap. Ada daun singkong, taoge, kacang panjang, kemangi, petai cina, kering tempe dan serundeng kelapa. Lalu diberi saus kacang yang gurih. Sebagai finishing, pecel ditambahi peyek teri dan kacang. Namun peyeknya bukan sembarang peyek, lo. Ukurannya sunggug besar. "Peyek ini memang ciri khas pecel kami," jelas Ny Ida Dwi Amartani (38), pengelola kedai ini.
Sejak dulu peyek ini memang menjadi ikon. Ada dua petugas pembuat peyek ini. Ida pernah pula menyarankan untuk memperkecil ukuran peyek. "Tapi tangan kedua pembuat peyek ini sudah terbiasa dengan peyek besar, jadi ya tidak apa-apa. Malah jadi unik, kan?" ujarnya ramah.
Sejumlah bahan khusus digunakan untuk mempertahankan kualitasnya. Seperti kacang tuban kualitas super untuk saus kacang dan terasi Gresik untuk campuran bumbunya. "Buat saya terasi Gresik ini lebih sip ketimbang Sidoarjo," cetusnya.
Pecel yang dijual sejak tahun 1993 ini berlokasi di Jl Barata Jaya XX/110. Rumah makan bisa menampung lebih dari 100 pengunjung yang terbagi atas 2 lantai. Buka setiap hari sejak pukul 8 pagi hingga pukul 9 malam. Sejak awal 2008 lalu, kedai membuka cabang di Jl. Cendrawasih No. 12, tepat di belakang Polwiltabes Surabaya.
Pecel Ontong RM Handayani
Jl. Kertajaya no. 42, Telp. (031) 5015701-5014900
Pecel ini tak kalah unik. Jika umumnya pecel berkomposisi sayuran hijau dan taoge, pecel dari Rumah Makan Handayani justru tak menggunakannya. Pecel hanya berisi ontong. Ya, itulah nama lain dari jantung pisang. Namun tak semua bagian jantung pisang bisa digunakan. "Hanya bagian bunga putihnya yang masih muda," jelas Bpk. Norman, Manajer Operasional RM Handayani.
Jantung pisang dikupas hingga bagian yang agak muda. Lalu diambil bunganya, dicuci bersih dan direbus dengan gula dan garam. Selain untuk memberu rasa, cara ini juga menghilangkan getah jantung pisang yang lengket. Setelah dingin ditiriskan, lalu dipotong-potong. Kemudian dicampur dengan daun kemangi dan disiram bumbu pecel. Bumbunya dibuat dadakan. Pedasnya pun bisa disesuaikan. Aroma daun jeruk cukup terasa di saus kacangnya. Pecel disajikan di atas sejenis piring berbentuk cobek kayu. Seporsi dijual Rp 5.500 saja.
Sayangnya, ketersediaan pecel ini agak terbatas. Jadi ada baiknya menelepon dulu untuk memesan atau mengetahui setok pecel yang tersedia. "Soalnya bahan bakunya agak sulit," jelas Norman.
Hidangan khas Indonesia memang jadi menu utama di rumah makan ini. Selain pecel, terdapat puluhan menu khas Indonesia lain yang bisa dinikmati. Kapasitasnya cukup luas mencapai 350 orang. Namun untuk standing party, bisa mencapai 900 pengunjung plus 3 ruang VIP. Beroperasi setiap hari mulai pukul 11.00-22.00. Lokasinya terletak di Jl. Kertajaya No. 42.
Pecel Rawon
Jl. Penjajaran No. 15A (tepat di depan bioskop Purnama)
Kedai ini memadukan dua hidangan andalan Jawa Timur, pecel dan rawon. Lokasi kedainya di Jl Penjajaran No. 15A. Tepat di depan bioskop Purnama. Sebuah spanduk biru bertuliskan Pecel Rawon bisa dijadikan petunjuk jika Anda ingin berkunjung.
Komposisinya cukup unik. Pakem dunia pecel pun sepertinya dibuat amburadul. Lihat saja isinya. Ada taoge, kangkung, sawi, timun, serundeng dan mi. Kemudian ditambah sejenis tumisan tahu dan empal yang disuwir halus mirip abon. Lalu diguyur saus pecel plus kuah rawon. Ya, kuah berwarna gelap ini disiramkan diatasnya. alhasil, piring pecel pun dipenuhi kuah rawon bercampur bumbu pecel. Setelah dicicipi, wah, ternyata rasanya sedap! Di santap dengan peyek atau kerupuk, makin nikmat.
Empal dagingnya hasil rebusan daging untuk kuah rawon. Dagingnya diambil, lalu dibuat empal. Ada sejumlah pegawai yang bertugas membuat suwiran empal tipis-tipis. Rasa empal cukup menonjol karena jumlahnya lumayan banyak. Seporsi pecel dijual dengan harga Rp 6.500. Namun hidangan ini hanya bisa Anda cicipi saat malam menjelang. Kedai buka sejak pukul 19.30-04.00 dini hari.S
Kunjungi juga:
Kambing Oven Depot Yaman
Jl. KH M. Mansyur No. 92, Telp (031) 3521775
Menyajikan paha kambing presto,lalu dioven dan disajikan ala hotplate. Bumbunya meresap dan sangat empuk. Lebih nikmat disantap dengan nasi tomat.
Rawon Dengkul Nguling
Jl. Kendangsari Industri 41B, Telp (031) 8490541
Menyajikan rawon berbahan dengkul (pinggul) sapi yang lezat. bentuknya mirip urat namuan lembut dan sangat empuk.
Sate Lisidu
Jl. Bratajaya XIX No. 58, Telp. (031) 5022622
Sate ala Ponorogo berukuran besar dan bumbu kacang yang lembut. Sate ini mengisi acara 17 agustus di istana Presiden pada tahun 2005-2006.
Source : http://tourism-indonesia.blogspot.com/2008/05/tourismindonesia-wisata-ke-surabaya.html
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Songa Rafting

Air Terjun Kadadima

Dinamakan air terjun Kadadima adalah sebutan pengganti dari 3 (tiga) nama air terjun pada alur sungai masing masing air terjun nahepese, elong dan matei.
Air terjun Kadadima masuk wilayah desa Laine dapat ditempuh dengan kendaraan darat dari Tahuna 2 jam dan dari Pelabuhan Fery Pananaru 25 menit sedang dari desa Laine menuju kearah Timur berjalan kaki 45 menit.
Lokasi : Desa Laine Kecamatan Manganitu Selatan
Source : http://www.sangihe.go.id/potensidaerah/objekwisata.php
Pantai Balekambang

Cara Mencapai Daerah Ini
Pantai ini dapat dicapai melalui Kecamatan Gondanglegi dan Kecamatan Bantur, dilanjutkan ke Desa Srigonco ataupun melalui Kecamatan Kepanjen, Kecamatan Pagak belok ke kiri ke arah Kecamatan Bantur dengan menggunakan kendaraan, baik mobil ataupun motor.
Tempat Menginap
Di sekitar areal pantai terdapat bungalow sederhana yang dapat Anda sewa. Apabila Anda memutuskan ingin melakukan kemping, maka tersedia pula amping ground di sekitar areal Pantai Balekambang.
Tempat Bersantap
Anda dapat bersantap di warung-warung makan yang terdapat di dalam areal Pantai Balekambang.
Anda dapat berjalan kaki untuk mengelilingi pantai ini.
Yang Dapat Anda Lihat Atau Lakukan
Di pantai ini Anda dapat melakukan beragam aktivitas, mulai dari menikmati indahnya sunset yang terkadang tampak di sela-sela ketiga pulau kecil di pantai ini, berjalan menuju ke Pura yang terdapat di atas Pulau Ismoyo atau sekedar bermain air.
Buah Tangan
Anda dapat membeli souvenir di kios-kios cinderamata yang terdapat di dalam areal pantai Balekambang.
- Pastikan untuk mengecek performa mesin kendaraan Anda supaya aman dan nyaman di perjalanan.
- Jangan lupa untuk membawa baju ganti dan perlengkapan lainnya seperti krim tabir surya, topi dan lainnya.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Taman Safari

Cara Mencapai Daerah Ini
Di dalam areal TSI 2, terdapat beberapa restoran yang dapat Anda jadikan pilihan sebagai tempat Anda untuk bersantap.
Yang Dapat Anda Lihat Atau Lakukan
- Menyaksikan kehidupan binatang atau satwa liar dari dalam mobil
- Menyaksikan atraksi sirkus salah satu penghuni taman safari seperti gajah
- Untuk anak-anak, di Taman Safari ini juga tersedia fasilitas permainan seperti taman rekreasi anak, roller coaster, mini train, bom-bom car, maupun puri misteri.
- Berfoto dengan satwa
- Bagi wisatawan yang
- Anda dilarang untuk memberikan makanan kepada seluruh satwa yang ada di TSI 2
- Ketika sedang berada di zona satwa buas, jangan membuka kaca jendela mobil Anda untuk menghindari hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Madakaripura Waterfall

Saat tiba di lokasi air terjun kita akan bertemu dengan warung kecil, pos penjaga dan toilet (bisa ganti baju), disitu terdapat pula penyewaan payung bila kita tidak ingin terlalu basah kuyup. Air terjun ini berawal dari air yang mengalir dari tebing memanjang dan membentuk tirai, sehingga kita bisa berpayung ria berjalan di bawahnya. Di ujungnya, kita akan bertemu dengan sebuah ruangan berbentuk lingkaran berdiameter kira-kira 25 meter.
Berdiri di dalam ruangan alam ini kita akan merasa seolah berada di dasar sebuah tabung, dimana terdapat air terjun dengan ketinggian sekitar 200 meter, dengan limpahan air yang jatuh dengan derasnya dari atas dan berubah menjadi selembut kapas ke kolam berwarna kehijauan. Air yang jatuh di kolam ini menimbulkan bunyi yang berirama, terkadang bunyi yang ditimbulkannya lebih keras dikarenakan air yang jatuh lebih deras. Keunikan dan kesejukan air terjun ini membuat kita betah berlama-lama memandanginya.
Untuk anda penggemar fotografi, lokasi ini bisa menjadi obyek yang tidak habis-habisnya, mulai dari pintu masuk kedatangan hingga suasana air terjun yang seolah dalam tabung.

Sesudah puas main air dan kedinginan, kita bisa menikmati minuman panas di warung dekat air terjun sebelum berjalan kaki lagi menuju tempat parkir. Secara umum tempat ini telah dikelola dengan cukup baik, dapat dicapai lewat jalan aspal yang mulus, jalan setapak yang nyaman, fasilitas umum seperti kamar mandi, mesjid dan tempat parkir. Namun kurangnya informasi mengenai tempat ini dan jaminan keamanan yang belum ada mengakibatkan jarang orang tahu dan mau berkunjung ke kawasan wisata ini. Dengan promosi yang cukup, pengunjung Bromo akan dapat menambah daftar tujuan wisatanya.
source : http://liburan.info/content/view/209/43/
Friday, September 5, 2008
Jatim Park

Jatim Park may have said as the different tourism object in East Java province, besides offering a recreation place and study center, we will get many kind new knowledge. Jatim Park has at least 36 kinds of facilities which able to be enjoyed visitor. Before enjoy all supporting facilities for recreation area, the visitors will find an interesting view of ‘Galeri Nusantara’. Then stepped into ‘Taman Sejarah’, which contained of miniature temple in East Java like Sumberawan temple (Singosari- Malang regency), customhouse of Kiai Hasan Besari Ponorogo and Sumberawan Statue.
The other facility which able to be enjoyed is ‘Agro Park’ presenting crop and rareness fruits, animal diorama, which consists of unique animals that have been conserved, supporting games (bowling, throw ball, scooter disco), Ken Dedes and Ken Arok food centre, etc.
Jatim Park is suitable for family recreation. The recreation area sites here offer unforgettable tour and can used as alternative media of study for your children.
Batu (Apple City)
Batu has explored its effort to show its tourism nature potency. The alternative that had done is warm pool Cangar, have corrected and renovated. Meanwhile, the other places as the alternative of new tourism also start to pop out, they are; Jatim Park, Selecta, Songgoriti, Agro tourism, Coban Rondo waterfall, Mount Panderman, Mount Arjuno, Mount Welirang, Mount Ukir, Mount Banyak.
Batu City is the main tourism object for domestic and foreign tourists. There are many tourism objects in Batu that become the dream object for those visitors, especially its mountain tour. To support those tourism objects, Batu has facilitated with hotels, inns, villas and the other lodges, which has mountain nuance. Beside that, Batu city also called as “Batu City A Millions Beauty”.
Beside as tourism city, Batu City has many kinds of art culture, both art and tradisional culture, such as; Kuda Lumping (Horse Dance), Campursari (Javanese Music), etc. Batu is also known as agro city area and artist city, because it has many art and painting galleries.
Batu city also produces apples, vegetables, and garlic.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Tourism Village Of Poncokusumo

The height of the village is about 926 meter from sea level, temperature 22 - 26 degree Celsius, located about 30 km from Malang to the East.
This village has many beautiful and impressive panorama, which noted as one of the most fascinating villages in the eastern part of Malang Regency. Visitors who come to visit Poncokusumo, surely can enjoy impressive panorama apple plantation, around the garden from quarter to quarter, reflecting the village quarters agro tourism. Without any doubt, it's just nice place to stay gaining the new spirit and healthy.
Visit the tourism village of Poncokusumo in Malang tourism and enjoy its nature nuance with its fresh air. Bring your family here to introduce the nature to them.
Friday, August 29, 2008
GitGit Waterfall

The waterfall is sixty metres high and as the water falls, it looks like white clouds falling down the mountain one after another.The falling water almost completely covers the rockface of the fall. If your camera is able, try taking some long exposure photographs.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Mount Merapi

Saturday, August 16, 2008
Indonesia Tourism & Travel Fair (ITTF)

The fair would serve as a meeting point for Indonesian communities nationwide in need of information on tourism and travel worldwide. It is expected various organizations from many countries would participate in the event.
Exhibition Hall :
HALL A & B - Jakarta Convention Center (JCC), Jakarta.
Official Website :

Friday, August 15, 2008
Tourism Indonesia Mart & Expo Returns To Makassar

The Chairwoman and Steering Committee of TIME 2008, Meity Robot, said TIME also supports the government program of "Visit Indonesia Year 2008" which is targeting 7 million foreign visitors to Indonesia for 2008.
TIME is an international travel mart in Indonesia organized on a business to business (B2B) basis providing a meeting place for those who sell Indonesian tourism products and services (sellers) and international buyers.
"Adopting the theme of Eco-Tourism and Maritime Tourism, TIME 2008 will present all tourist destinations, including popular travel destinations, tourism objects, and new product development particularly those which relate to Eco-Tourism dan Maritime Tourism," Meity explained.
The Mayor of Makassar, Ilham Arief Sirajuddin, who is the Organizing Committe Chairman of TIME 2008, has welcomed the appointment of Makassar as host of TIME for the second time.
Local Organizing Committee Chairman of TIME 2008, Niko B. Pasaka, said that Makassar is ready in host TIME 2008. "Presently, a number supporting facilities are close to completion. This includes the 11 kilometer of highway connecting Makassar city center to airport as well as the completion of Hasanuddin International Airport. We hope these facilities could finish on time to support TIME 2008," Nico said.
TIME 2006 attracted 110 international buyers from 21 countries and 124 sellers from 20 provinces in Indonesia.
"The number of buyers attending TIME over six consecutive years have increased steadily over time," explained Meity.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Mount Rinjani
Gunung Rinjani National Park represents a range of Nusa Tenggara s ecosystem types, from sub-montane rain forest to montane forest and savanna.
The plant potential in this Park area includes jelutung (Laportea stimulans), dedurenan (Aglaia argentea), bayur (Pterospermum javanicum), beringin (Ficus benjamina), jambu-jambuan (Syzygium sp.), keruing (Dipterocarpus hasseltii), rerau (D. imbricatus), lumut jenggot (Usnea sp.), cemara gunung (Casuarina tripolia and C. equisetifolia), edelweiss flowers (Anaphalis javanica), and endemic species of orchid such as Perisstylus rintjaniensis and P. lombokensis.
There is one endemic species of civet in the Park, namely the musang rinjani (Paradoxurus hemaproditus rinjanicus). Also to be found in the park are barking deer (Muntiacus muntjak nainggolani), ebony leaf monkey (Trachypithecus auratus kohlbruggei), pangolin (Manis javanica), southeast Asian porcupine (Hystrix brachyura), Timor helmeted friarbird (Philemon buceroides neglectus), crested hawk eagle (Spizaetus cirrhatus floris), lesser sulphur-crested cockatoo (Cacatua sulphurea occidentalis), Lombok honeyeater (Lichmera lombokia lombokia), dark-backed imperial pigeon (Ducula lacernulata sasakensis), black-naped oriole (Oriolus chinensis broderipii), and several species of reptile.
Mt. Rinjani, at 3,726 m asl., is the third highest mountain in Indonesia. In a valley high up on the western part of Mt. Rinjani lies Segara Anak Lake (2,208 m asl.) whose sulphurous-smelling water has different temperatures from one part of the Lake to another, ranging from cool, through warm, to very hot. A new volcano is emerging from the centre of this Lake, and it is still active and growing.
Danau Segara Anak dan Anak Gunung Rinjani
Particularly with the coming of the rice-planting season, the communities in the vicinity quite often hold ritual ceremonies on Mt. Rinjani and at Segara Anak Lake. One involves releasing small artificial fish made of very thin gold into the Lake.
Interesting locations/attractions:
Mt. Rinjani: mountain climbing and camping.
Segara Anak Lake, Sebau and Gunung Baru: research, enjoying natural phenomena, thermal springs, bathing, observing animals and exploring the forest, cultural attraction.
Otakokkoq and Kembang Kuning: enjoying thermal springs and waterfalls.
Cultural attractions outside the Park area include, in Mataram, Perang Topat in December, and Ciwaratri in January.
Best time of year to visit: August to December.
How to reach the Park: there a number of options. Mataram-Selong-Sambelia-Sembalun Lawang by car, 4.5 hours (140 km), then on foot to Segara Anak Lake, 9 hours (25 km). Or Mataram-Bayan-Senaru by car, 2.5 hours (82 km), then on foot to Segara Anak Lake, 9 hours (25 km). Alternatively, Mataram-Bayan-Torean, 2.5 hours (85 km), then on foot to Segara Anak Lake, 7.5 hours. Or Mataram-Masbagik-Kutaraja-Tetebatu, 1.5 hours (60 km), then on foot to Otakokkoq, 30 minutes.
Designated : Minister of Forestry, SK.No.280/Kpts-II/97,
a total area of 41,330 hectares
Location : Regencies; West Lombok, Central Lombok and
East Lombok, Province of West Nusa Tenggara
Temperature 23° - 30° C
Rainfall 2,000 mm/year (on average)
Altitude 550 - 3,726 m asl.
Geographical location 116°18' - 116°32' E; 8°18' - 8°33' S
Source : http://www.rinjaninationalpark.com/
Senggigi Beach

Most visitors to Lombok usually start their stay at Senggigi, Lombok's most famous resort area. Private villas, boutique hotels giving more options to the visitors of Lombok. The town of Senggigi spreads out along nearly 10 kilometers of coastal road. This road continues north to Bangsal, port for the Gili Islands. Along the way be in store for winding turns, steep hills, and a fantastic scenery of the coast.
Coming from airport, taxi service available at the counter desk of the arrival gate. Fares are fixed.
Coming from Lembar harbour, you can pre-order a metered taxi service (Lombok Taxi tel: 627000 or Lendang Express Taxi tel: 644444).
There are plenty of activities you can do to complete your holiday. Sightseeing or touring organized by reputable local tour operators is the best option to discover what Lombok has to offer. Renting a car or motor cycle is also good alternative to get around, either self-driving, or with a driver so you can relax and enjoy the view. Car rental in Lombok is more expensive than Bali. Tip driver pocket money for meals if you stop for lunch or diner. If you are pleased with service, tip the driver or local guide at the end. If you collide with anything, or it collides with you, you are responsible for all costs.
Self drive cars are available in Senggigi and Mataram. You must have a valid Tourist, Indonesian or International Driving License. Test drive the car before paying in advanced. Take the Insurance coverage for vehicle damages. Book a car through reputable Car rental which includes insurance coverage in the price. TRAC (Toyota Rent a Car) located near Mataram Airport if you wish to get a good condition (well maintained) of car + full insurance.
Senggigi Post Office located on the main street of Senggigi, opposite from Pamour Art & Antique shop. Health Centre or Puskesmas located near Hotel Puri Saron. Drugstore or Apotik available next to the gate of Intan Lombok Hotel. Dentist available at Meninting Puskesmas 10 minutes drive from Senggigi towards direction to the airport.
Bank BNI available during office hours 5 days a week located near the Post Office. ATM's (Automatic Teller Machine) are easy to find. ATM BCA, ATM BNI, ATM Mandiri are available, you can swift your credit card and withdraw local currency IDR (Rupiah).
Police office located in Senggigi Art Market, near The Sheraton Senggigi Beach Resort. Telephone Service (Wartel) available near Melati Dua Hotel. Internet Cafes are: Millenium Internet (opposite Papaya Restaurant) and Star Internet Service located in Senggigi Plaza with dedicated broadband speed at reasonable rates. Cellular phone in Indonesia is GSM and CDMA. If you have brought your cellular handphone, you can purchase prepaid calling cards to make outgoing calls at lower cost than calling on your home SIM. Shops which sell these cards are prolific. Major service providers are: Telkomsel, Satelindo and XL Ritel. Look for signs and banners with those markings.
Money changers are available almost in every corner of Senggigi. Double count your money before leaving the money changers to get the accurate amount. Hotel reception also change foreign money with lower rates.
Mini markets are located next to Bank BNI and near the Papaya Cafe.
Local Indonesian Foods sells nasi campur and warung Padang can be found right opposite from Taman Restaurant and another one is Rumah Makan Senang next to Bank BNI. During the night time, you can find the famous Nasi Goreng at Warung Cak Poer.
Most larger hotels and restaurants automatically add Government Tax and Service charge up to 21% to the bill. Tipping is expected in main tourist area, but you're not compelled to tip at restaurants. If you like your driver or local tour guide, a tip of 10-15% is appreciated. Carry small changes with you as taxi drivers often have none. Airport or hotel porters expect Rp. 2000 - 10,000 per bag depending on the size and weights.
Wheelchair ramps and van lifts are non existent. Many major hotels have limited handicapped facilities and accommodation. Advise your tour operators or hotel for special assistance.
source : http://www.lombok-network.com/senggigi/index.htm
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Bali Bird Park

Encompassing two hectares of botanical landscape, the park provides sanctuary to almost 1000 birds of 250 different species.
Our innovative approach towards the display of rare and tropical birds has progressed from traditional exhibits to that of showcasing mixed species in their natural habitats & in large walk in Aviaries and free range throughout the park.
The park accommodates an amazing display of flora with more then 2000 tropical plants including 50 varieties of palms alone and attracting numerous butterflies.
Incorporating a breeding, research and veterinary facility within the complex, the park has a high success rate in the captive reproduction of exotic birds such as the Bird. of Paradise and Hornbill.
Operating hours :
The park and restaurant is open from 09.00 a.m until 17:30 p.m daily. Except on Balinese New Year ( Nyepi )
Entrance Ticket :
Adult US $ 12,50 + 10 % Service charge,
Child US $ 6,5 + 10 % service charge,
family package : US$ 31,5 +10% service charge
Childrens Age :
2 – 12 years of age
Infant :
under 2 years of age are free of charge
Booking :
Not necessary
Advance booking is requested for special events :
To enable us to handle your requirements efficiently, bookings with full details are necessary.
For lunch buffet, Dinner buffet and breakfast with the birds, three days advance notice is required.
Bookings for guided tour : Free guiding is provided for parties of 20 or more. Please book 24 hours in advance
Credit Card :
Bali Bird Park use the Bank of Indonesia US $ changing rate and we accept travelers and credit cards as : Amex, JCB, VISA, BCA Card, Mater Card, Dinners club.
Insurance cover for the safety of our customer is provided through PT. JASINDO
Dogs & Pet
Dogs and other pets are prohibited from the park as they scare the birds.
Park facilities
- Refreshment :
Refreshments are available in the Bali Starling Restaurant (150 seats capacity ) and Rain Forest Café ( 30 seats capacity ) - Rest Room :
There are four rest rooms strategically located throughout the park - First Aid :
First aid facilities are available at the Park. In case of emergency ask the Management on duty or any member of our staff - Gifts & souvenirs :
Unique bird themed merchandise is available from the park gift shop adjacent to the main restaurant. Alternatively, local artisans display hand painted crafts in traditional pavilions strategically located around the park - Disability Access The park has been designed with barrier-free pathways for convenient wheelchair and baby-stroller access. However, there are staff on hand if assistance is required.
- Parking Area :
Large parking areas also for tours busses
source: http://www.bali-bird-park.com/